Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Counter Strike Condition Zero


  • Console Commands

    Access the console by pressing ` and then enter the following:
    Automatically buys the best gun for your team. AK-47 for T and M4A1 for CT.autobuy
    Automatically ends the game and quits Condition Zeroquit
    Automatically ends the game but doesnt quit Condition Zerodisconnect
    Automatically kicks the bot/player if he kills so many hostages according to the value. Put 0 to disable.mp_hostagepenalty <value>
    bots only buy snipersbot_sniper_only
    Bots only use knivesbot_knives_only 1
    Bring down the All Deleted Scenescl_levellocks 16382
    Bullets fired on walls will get through walls. Effective if the player is hiding.sv_clienttrace #
    Disables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on-graph
    Displays commands for faster use on the left side of your screen.+commandmenu
    Dissables rogue bots, they will all follow your commands.bot_allow_rogues 0
    Doesnt give you more weapons. Instead gives you full money.impulse 101
    Enables auto-team balance. 0 = Off. 1 = On.mp_autoteambalance <0-1>
    Enables blood thickening on or off. 0 = Off. 1 = Ongl_spriteblend <0-1>
    Enables cheatssv_cheats 1
    Enables player to be Right-Handed. 0 = Left-Handed. 1 = Right-Handed.cl_righthand <0-1>
    Enables the local player to automatically kick other players. 0 = Off. 1 = On.mp_autokick <0-1>
    Enables unlimited sprayingdecalfrequency 0
    enables you to flyFly
    Ends the round, and you lose.career_end_round
    enemies do not see younotarget
    Enter this code if you have "+commandmenu" activated only.-commandmenu
    Erases all the whole messages in the console.clear
    Executes the command by just entering the <letter> in the console.alias "<letter>" "<command>"
    Freezes time for the set ammount, the player can still walk around.mp_freeztime <value>
    Gives you the highest ammount of money you can have.mp_startmoney 16000
    go through wallsnoclip
    Instant Max Moneyv
    kick the botskick <bot´s name>
    Kills all bots allowing you to win if the bomb is not plantedbot_kill
    Lists available servers to participate in.list
    make the bot go to specific placesbot_goto_mark #number
    make them just stand therebot_zombie 1
    Makes the bots stand still.bot_stop 1
    Refreshes time on the console.timerefresh
    Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to change Friendly Fire. 1=On 0=Off.mp_friendlyfire #
    Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots only use knvies. 1=Only Knives 0=Not just knives. Deaf is 0.bot_knives_only 1#
    Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots stay still or move. 1=Moving 0=Non-Moving.bot_zombie #
    Replace "#" with a number and change the gravity. Deaf. is 800.sv_gravity #
    Replace "#" with a number to change the starting money. Deaf is 800.mp_startmoney #
    Replace "3" with a number to change the C4 timer. Deaf. is 45.mp_c4timer #
    Restarts your the round.career_restart
    Revive as a Counter-Terroristjointeam 6 ; jointeam 2
    Revive as a Terroristjointeam 6 ; jointeam 1
    Set the BOTS difficulties.bot_difficulty
    set the bot´s difficulty levelbot_difficulty
    sets the gravity, lower #s mean you can float alont, high numbers mean you take more damage for falling.sv_gravity <value>
    Sets the maximum players when creating a new multiplayer game. Only works before you start a match.maxplayers <value>
    Shows a little information on the very bottom right of your screen+graph
    The bots will not wait for you to rescue hostages, plant or defuse the bomb.bot_defer_to_human 0
    the bots will only buy pistolsbot_pistols_only
    The game restarts after 1 secondsv_restartround 1
    The game restarts after 1 second similar to sv_restartround 1.sv_restart 1
    to restart the map without losing any goalsrestart
    When enabled, bots/players who kills their teammate(s) will die on the next round. 0 = Off. 1 = On.mp_tkpunish <0-1>
    When set to 0, the screen will be black when any player from the server is dead. Switch to 1 to disable.mp_fadetoblack <0-1>
    You can see the last deaths of players on the specified seconds.hud_deathnoticetime #
    Contributed By: riotblade, Dexterity_, mdj71, opiuman, GoldenlupeX, grendel03, COMPASSION34, sonicgamer196, ssj18vegeta, Snowkid32, Thunder Shocker, pro_gamerz_93, and DeathViruz.
  • Spawn indicated items

    To do this,go into a level and press the ` button.Type in sv_cheats 1 to enable the cheats first,then type in give weapon_<Name of weapons or items> Here is the list of them (NOTE:This works only for the deleted scenes) PS:These are not all of the codes,u can type in the hegrenade in short forms, and any other items u want that is in the game.
    give you 15 health, the number multiplies the amount to be restoreditem_armor 1
    give you 15 health, the number multiplies the amount to be restoreditem_healthkit 1
    give you a shield and a pistolweapon_shieldgun
    give you full ammo of all weapons in your inventoryammo_generic
    give you LAWS (rocket launcher)weapon_laws
    give you M60 machine gunweapon_m60
    spawns the nameweapon_sg550
    spawns the nameweapon_sg552
    spawns the nameweapon_tmp
    spawns the nameweapon_ump45
    spawns the nameweapon_usp
    spawns the nameweapon_xm1014
    spawns the nameweapon_scout
    spawns the nameweapon_p90
    spawns the nameweapon_p228
    spawns the nameweapon_aug
    spawns the nameweapon_awp
    spawns the nameweapon_deagle
    spawns the nameweapon_famas
    spawns the nameweapon_fiveseven
    spawns the nameweapon_g3sg1
    spawns the nameweapon_glock18
    spawns the nameweapon_m3
    spawns the nameweapon_m4a1
    spawns the nameweapon_mac10
    spawns the nameweapon_mp5navy
    spawns the nameweapon_ak47

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